This Limited Edition box of chocolates was made specifically for, and with consultation from, the blind and partially sighted community.
This box and the accessibility it brings means something so much more. It means inclusion so that those with low or no vision are not left behind. It represents independence, autonomy and decision making. I don’t have to have someone help me be my eyes, wait for someone to come around and help me, and I don’t have to ask someone for help. I can make my own choices on my own terms.
There’s nothing quite like the magic of finding your favourite chocolate in a box of Purdys We believe this feeling of joy should be as accessible to as many people as possible. That’s why we created the Holiday Braille Box
Our friends Ramya, Molly, Clement and Anne, all of whom are blind or partially sighted, helped make the Holiday Braille Box possible. Watch their reactions and hear their stories in this special video
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